Basic Information of Blood Donation in Japan
In Japan, the blood programme is managed by Japan Redcross Society. To get any offical infomation, you should ask
Japan Redcross Society the question.
- Who ?
- All donor must write a form and be checked by a doctor.
- The doctor decides whether you can donate by health condition and other check fact.
- If you can't communicate with officers of blood donation place, you may not donate.
- People 16-64 years old can donate your blood.
- People 65-69 years old used to donate 60-64 old can donate your blood.
- People 16,17 years old can do only 200mL whole blood donation.
- People over 55 years can't do pletlet apheresis donation.
- There are many conditions. ( Weight, Pressure of Blood, History of Injection,Travel or Living Abroad etc.)
- You can get "Kenketsu Techo" (Donor ID Card) like photo in right. (This one is Old Version)
- You should bring it as next your donation. The "Kenketsu Techo is common to all over the Japan except to Hokkaido.
- In Hokkaido, you can get "Kenketsu Card" (Optical Donor ID Card) or "Kenketsu Kirokusho"(Record Card of Your Donation).
- Where ?
- When ?
- Business time is different each blood donation room or blood centre. <- Please ask each blood donation room or blood centre.
- What ?
- You can choose 4 types of blood donation. ( 200mL Whole Blood Donation, 400mL Whole Blood Donation, Plasma Apheresis Donation, Pletlet Apheresis Donation )
- Sometimes, officers ask or decide your donation type. If you can do it and agree with them, please obey this order. Sometimes in some place, you might be forced
to donate 400mL and not to donate 200mL. Although they suggest it is for recipients, I suggest you should donate your blood with your will or your agreement.
- How many ?
- You can donate 1200mL(male) or 800mL(female) whole blood for a year.
- You can do 24 times apheresis donation for a year.(In case of counting this limit, 1 pleatlet apheresis donation is counted as 2.)
- You must take below interval.
- After 200mL Whole Blood Donation : 4 weeks
- After 400mL Whole Blood Donation : 8-16 weeks
- 8 weeks : in case of "next is Apheresis Donation"
- 12(male)/16(female) weeks : in case of "next is Whole Blood Donation"
- After Apheresis Donation : 2 weeks